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the body hurts after having sex

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Try to remember again, what you did before. Don't get me wrong, body aches and feels pain not only caused by hard work or sports, but also sex. Come on, find out the cause.There are a number of things that happen to mastermind why your body feels sore and sore after making out, including:

Want to get a new sensation in making love? Trying various sex positions can be his choice. However, not all positions will feel comfortable. In fact, it can make the body feel sore and sore. Especially if you have problems in muscles, joints, or bones. People with such conditions, you should choose a position that does not cause excessive pressure on the problem area.
Even healthy people can experience this, especially if the chosen sex position is quite extreme, aka difficult to do, for example position 69 stands. This position is usually done while lying down, even done in a standing position. That means, the man must hold the weight of the body of a woman who depends on her body.

This difficult sex position is very likely to make you uncomfortable, even anxious when doing it. Well, this feeling can increase muscle tension so it might make the body achy later.

Not much different from sports or other activities, intimate relationships also need energy. So, naturally after having sex, the body feels tired. Your muscles, which should rest at night after work, must work extra. That is why muscles can fatigue and cause aches and stiffness the next day.

Especially if you and your partner do one sex position in sufficient time, such as doggy style position. How not to make you tired, this position requires the woman to hold the weight of the body and encouragement.
The muscles around the arms and wrists will tighten and can cause aches. Pain in the body can also occur due to the strong grip of the partner on your body.

This sexual activity is carried out between the dominant role (which is in control) and submissive (obedient), which involves things that are in the form of violence and pain. However, this sex is not done by force, but rather from the agreement. From that violence they feel pleasure and get satisfaction.
So, what is the connection with the body feeling sore after having sex? Sex using a tool usually involves handcuffs, ice cubes, feathers, or lashes. These tools help them run games, such as binding or whipping. This game that seems rude can stimulate your nerves to respond to aches or pains in the body.
info obtained from hellosehat


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